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Circa Lighting

Pinterest Advertising
982% Purchases 
11.38x ROAS
The Problem

The problem was simple - scale. Circa had been running Pinterest ads for some time already, but had not seen the desired results. They are were hoping to be more confident in the impact Pinterest was actually having on their business.

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The Solution

First and foremost, we needed to restructure the campaigns with an objective that would maximize purchases. That included splitting campaigns into categories - keywords, interests, re-engagers and retargeting. More than that, we wanted to introduce dynamic ads based on the product catalog attached to the account.


Next came the attribution optimization. Many people do not realize the diverse options Pinterest provides for the type of customer you can target. The default window will optimize towards people that will convert within 30 days of clicking, engaging or viewing. That leaves a lot to be desired in terms of the true effectiveness of the ad efforts. With a delicate approach, we always slowly transition that window down to a more reasonable setting. In this case, a 7 day click window. We wanted people to see the ads, click and purchase within 7 days of that click. Especially with products that can cost thousands of dollars, a 1 day window would have been too small. How often do you see an ad for a product that costs $1,000 and immediately purchase within 24 hours after seeing that ad? Not often, right? Probably never. Because of that, the 7 day window felt more accurate to the purchase journey for Circa.


As the attribution window transition was taking place, we carefully adjusted ad set bids every few days based on ad spend and efficiency. We always want to maximize the ad spend!


Over time, we found a ton of success with new keyword audiences, new ads and the implementation of a DABA (dynamic ads for broad audiences). 

The Result

In a matter of 3 months...

  • Ad spend increased 287%

  • Purchases increased 982%

  • ROAS went from 2.93x to 11.38x

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